UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
Be My BabyCappella31-08-199707-09-1997532
Helyom Halib (Acid Acid Acid)Cappella30-04-198925-06-1989119
House Energy RevengeCappella17-09-198924-09-1989732
Move It Up/Big BeatCappella09-10-199401-01-1995167
Move On BabyCappella13-02-199403-04-199478
Push The Beat/BauhausCappella03-04-198817-04-1988603
Tell Me The WayCappella10-09-199524-09-1995173
U & MeCappella12-06-199424-07-1994107
U Got 2 KnowCappella28-03-199317-11-2002611
U Got 2 Know RevisitedCappella08-08-199322-08-1993433
U Got 2 Let The MusicCappella17-10-199302-01-1994212

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