UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
A Bad NightCat Stevens02-08-196720-09-1967208
Another Saturday NightCat Stevens18-08-197406-10-1974198
Can't Keep It InCat Stevens03-12-197218-02-19731312
I Love My DogCat Stevens20-10-196601-12-1966287
I'm Gonna Get Me A GunCat Stevens30-03-196701-06-1967610
KittyCat Stevens20-12-196720-12-1967471
Lady D'ArbanvilleCat Stevens21-06-197013-09-1970813
Matthew And SonCat Stevens12-01-196716-03-1967210
Moon ShadowCat Stevens22-08-197131-10-19712211
Morning Has BrokenCat Stevens26-12-197119-03-1972913
Remember The Days Of The Old SchoolyardCat Stevens26-06-197710-07-1977443
Wild WorldCat Stevens01-04-200701-04-2007521

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