UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
Ain't No Pleasing YouChas And Dave07-03-198216-05-1982211
GertchaChas And Dave20-05-197908-07-1979208
In Sickness And In HealthChas And Dave22-09-198522-09-1985951
London GirlsChas And Dave13-02-198324-04-1983639
MargateChas And Dave11-07-198201-08-1982464
My Melancholy BabyChas And Dave13-11-198301-01-1984518
RabbitChas And Dave23-11-198001-02-1981811
Stars Over 45Chas And Dave06-12-198124-01-1982218
Strummin'Chas And Dave05-11-197819-11-1978523
The Sideboard SongChas And Dave26-08-197909-09-1979553
There In Your EyesChas And Dave22-07-198412-08-1984914

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