UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
Across The UniverseHolly Johnson10-03-199110-03-1991991
AmericanosHolly Johnson26-03-198904-06-1989411
Atomic CityHolly Johnson18-06-198909-07-1989184
Disco HeavenHolly Johnson12-09-199912-09-1999851
Heaven's HereHolly Johnson24-09-198908-10-1989623
Legendary Children (All Of Them Queer)Holly Johnson23-10-199423-10-1994851
Love TrainHolly Johnson08-01-198919-03-1989411
The Power Of LoveHolly Johnson19-12-199926-12-1999562
Where Has Love GoneHolly Johnson18-11-199025-11-1990732

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