UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
(Just Like) Starting OverJohn Lennon02-11-198008-02-1981115
Borrowed TimeJohn Lennon11-03-198415-04-1984326
ImagineJohn Lennon26-10-197526-08-2012142
Imagine/Jealous GuyJohn Lennon04-12-198801-01-1989455
Jealous GuyJohn Lennon24-11-198501-12-1985652
LoveJohn Lennon14-11-198202-01-1983418
Mind GamesJohn Lennon18-11-197313-01-1974269
No 9 DreamJohn Lennon02-02-197523-03-1975238
Nobody Told MeJohn Lennon15-01-198419-02-198466
Stand By MeJohn Lennon27-04-197508-06-1975307
Watching The WheelsJohn Lennon29-03-198103-05-1981306
WomanJohn Lennon18-01-198129-03-1981111

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