UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
5th Anniversary EpJudge Dread27-03-197717-04-1977314
Big EightJudge Dread15-04-197317-06-19731410
Big SevenJudge Dread03-12-197201-04-1973818
Big SixJudge Dread20-08-197218-02-19731127
Big TenJudge Dread21-09-197502-11-1975147
Christmas In Dreadland/Come OutsideJudge Dread30-11-197511-01-1976147
Je T'AimeJudge Dread29-06-197524-08-197599
Jingle Bells/Hokey CokeyJudge Dread10-12-197824-12-1978643
RelaxJudge Dread07-10-198421-10-1984763
The Winkle ManJudge Dread02-05-197623-05-1976354
Up With The Cock!/Big PunkJudge Dread08-01-197808-01-1978491
Y Viva SuspendersJudge Dread22-08-197612-09-1976274

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