UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
5 O'Clock WorldJulian Cope15-01-198905-02-1989424
Beautiful LoveJulian Cope03-02-199110-03-1991326
Charlotte AnneJulian Cope18-09-198823-10-1988356
China DollJulian Cope11-06-198925-06-1989533
Easy RiderJulian Cope14-04-199128-04-1991513
Eve's Volcano (Covered In Sin)Julian Cope05-04-198703-05-1987415
Fear Loves This PlaceJulian Cope11-10-199218-10-1992422
HeadJulian Cope28-07-199104-08-1991572
I Come From Another Planet, BabyJulian Cope21-07-199628-07-1996342
Planetary Sit-InJulian Cope29-09-199606-10-1996342
Sunshine PlayroomJulian Cope13-11-198320-11-1983642
SunspotsJulian Cope17-02-198503-03-1985763
The Greatness And Perfection Of LoveJulian Cope11-03-198422-04-1984527
TrampolineJulian Cope11-01-198715-02-1987316
Try Try TryJulian Cope06-08-199520-08-1995243
World Shut Your MouthJulian Cope21-09-198609-11-1986198
World Shut Your Mouth {1992}Julian Cope02-08-199216-08-1992443

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