UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
Beds Are BurningMidnight Oil10-04-198815-05-1988486
Beds Are Burning {1989}Midnight Oil19-03-198911-06-1989613
Blue Sky MineMidnight Oil04-02-199018-02-1990663
Forgotten YearsMidnight Oil20-05-199027-05-1990972
Into The ValleyMidnight Oil31-10-199331-10-1993601
My CountryMidnight Oil27-06-199327-06-1993661
The Dead HeartMidnight Oil19-06-198810-07-1988684
The Dead Heart {1989}Midnight Oil25-06-198916-07-1989624
TruganiniMidnight Oil11-04-199302-05-1993294

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