UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
'92 Tour EpMotorhead08-11-199208-11-1992631
Ace Of SpadesMotorhead26-10-198008-01-20161319
Ace Of Spades {1993}Motorhead05-09-199303-10-19931517
Beer Drinkers And Hell RaisersMotorhead16-11-198007-12-1980434
Deaf ForeverMotorhead29-06-198606-07-1986672
God Save The QueenMotorhead06-08-200013-08-2000932
Golden Years (Ep)Motorhead27-04-198008-06-198087
I Got MineMotorhead15-05-198322-05-1983462
Iron FistMotorhead28-03-198225-04-1982295
Killed By DeathMotorhead26-08-198402-09-1984512
Louie, LouieMotorhead10-09-197824-09-1978682
Motorhead (Live)Motorhead05-07-198116-08-198167
No ClassMotorhead24-06-197915-07-1979614
The One To Sing The BluesMotorhead30-12-199013-01-1991453

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