UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
36dThe Beautiful South20-09-199227-09-1992462
A Little TimeThe Beautiful South30-09-199030-12-1990114
Bell Bottomed TearThe Beautiful South07-06-199205-07-1992165
I'll Sail This Ship AloneThe Beautiful South26-11-198914-01-1990318
Let Love Speak Up ItselfThe Beautiful South10-03-199124-03-1991513
My BookThe Beautiful South02-12-199006-01-1991436
Old Red Eyes Is BackThe Beautiful South05-01-199209-02-1992226
Song For WhoeverThe Beautiful South28-05-198906-08-1989211
We Are Each OtherThe Beautiful South08-03-199222-03-1992303
You Keep It All InThe Beautiful South17-09-198905-11-198988

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