UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
Back On TopVan Morrison16-05-199923-05-1999692
Bright Side Of The RoadVan Morrison14-10-197928-10-1979633
Brown Eyed GirlVan Morrison12-05-201309-06-2013605
Coney Island/Have I Told You LatelyVan Morrison18-02-199025-02-1990762
Cry For HomeVan Morrison27-02-198306-03-1983982
Days Like ThisVan Morrison04-06-199511-06-1995652
Have I Told You LatelyVan Morrison11-06-198909-07-1989745
Hey Mr DjVan Morrison12-05-200219-05-2002582
In The Days Before Rock n RollVan Morrison11-11-199011-11-1990941
No ReligionVan Morrison26-11-199503-12-1995542
Precious TimeVan Morrison28-02-199907-03-1999362
Real Real GoneVan Morrison30-09-199014-10-1990793
The Healing GameVan Morrison23-02-199702-03-1997462

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