UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

Home - View Charts - Artist Search - Title Search - Hits from a Decade - Birthday Number 1's - Xmas Number 1's


Chart for ......>
751978-10-01Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police751
521978-10-08Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police522
421978-10-15Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police423
521978-10-22Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police424
701978-10-29Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police425
601979-07-01Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police426
381979-07-08Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police387
191979-07-15Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police198
151979-07-22Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police159
21979-07-29Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police210
41979-08-05Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police211
71979-08-12Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police212
191979-08-19Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police213
391979-08-26Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police214
481979-09-02Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police215
721979-09-09Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police216

Site constructed as a learning project, data may not be accurate