UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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Chart for ......>
701980-12-07Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds701
341980-12-14Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds342
241980-12-21Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds243
241980-12-28Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds244
151981-01-04Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds155
41981-01-11Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds46
51981-01-18Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds47
111981-01-25Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds48
181981-02-01Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds49
301981-02-08Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds410
571981-02-15Do Nothing/Maggie's Farm Ft Rico With The Ice Rink String SoundsSpecials Featuring Rico With The Ice Rink String Sounds411

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