UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

Home - View Charts - Artist Search - Title Search - Hits from a Decade - Birthday Number 1's - Xmas Number 1's


Chart for ......>
401972-01-09Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites401
271972-01-16Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites272
171972-01-23Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites173
71972-01-30Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites74
51972-02-06Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites55
31972-02-13Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites36
61972-02-20Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites37
61972-02-27Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites38
141972-03-05Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites39
241972-03-12Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites310
291972-03-19Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites311
451972-03-26Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Lites312

Site constructed as a learning project, data may not be accurate