UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

Home - View Charts - Artist Search - Title Search - Hits from a Decade - Birthday Number 1's - Xmas Number 1's


Chart for ......>
551980-10-26I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co551
391980-11-02I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co392
301980-11-09I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co303
261980-11-16I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co264
201980-11-23I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co205
201980-11-30I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co206
261980-12-07I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co207
281980-12-14I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co208
441980-12-21I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co209
441980-12-28I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co2010
521981-01-04I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co2011
711981-01-11I Like (What You're Doing To Me)Young And Co2012

Site constructed as a learning project, data may not be accurate