UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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Chart for ......>
191999-12-05I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston191
261999-12-12I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston192
381999-12-19I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston193
331999-12-26I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston194
302000-01-02I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston195
292000-01-09I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston196
332000-01-16I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston197
402000-01-23I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston198
542000-01-30I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston199
652000-02-06I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston1910
682000-02-13I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston1911
832000-03-05I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston1912
822000-03-12I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston1913
992000-07-02I Learned From The BestWhitney Houston1914

Site constructed as a learning project, data may not be accurate