UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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Chart for ......>
421977-10-23Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights421
231977-10-30Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights232
141977-11-06Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights143
71977-11-13Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights74
101977-11-20Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights75
101977-11-27Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights76
171977-12-04Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights77
241977-12-11Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights78
321977-12-18Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights79
321977-12-25Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights710
361978-01-01Live In TroubleThe Barron Knights711

Site constructed as a learning project, data may not be accurate