UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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Chart for ......>
22004-09-19Love MachineGirls Aloud21
22004-09-26Love MachineGirls Aloud22
82004-10-03Love MachineGirls Aloud23
182004-10-10Love MachineGirls Aloud24
212004-10-17Love MachineGirls Aloud25
322004-10-24Love MachineGirls Aloud26
342004-10-31Love MachineGirls Aloud27
482004-11-07Love MachineGirls Aloud28
542004-11-14Love MachineGirls Aloud29
752004-11-21Love MachineGirls Aloud210
882005-01-23Love MachineGirls Aloud211

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