UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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Chart for ......>
891989-06-11The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister891
841989-06-18The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister842
861989-06-25The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister843
871989-07-02The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister844
881989-07-09The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister845
811989-07-16The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister816
821989-07-23The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister817
851989-07-30The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister818
921989-08-06The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister819
991989-08-13The Way To Your HeartSoul Sister8110

Site constructed as a learning project, data may not be accurate