UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

Home - View Charts - Artist Search - Title Search - Hits from a Decade - Birthday Number 1's - Xmas Number 1's


Chart for ......>
341974-05-05There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor341
241974-05-12There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor242
91974-05-19There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor93
41974-05-26There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor44
51974-06-02There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor45
31974-06-09There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor36
41974-06-16There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor37
51974-06-23There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor38
171974-06-30There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor39
271974-07-07There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor310
381974-07-14There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor311
461974-07-21There's A Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor312

Site constructed as a learning project, data may not be accurate