UK Singles Chart

Chart data from 14-11-1952 to 20-01-2023

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TitleArtistFirst EnrtyLast SeenPeakWeeks
Babe's In The WoodMatchbox29-03-198103-05-1981466
Buzz Buzz A Diddle ItMatchbox13-01-198002-03-1980228
Love's Made A Fool Of YouMatchbox26-07-198109-08-1981633
Midnite DynamosMatchbox04-05-198020-07-19801412
One More Saturday NightMatchbox23-05-198230-05-1982632
Over The Rainbow/You Belong To MeMatchbox23-11-198001-02-19811511
Rockabilly RebelMatchbox28-10-197913-01-19801812
When You Ask About LoveMatchbox21-09-198007-12-1980412

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